
毕业典礼 Class of 2024 Thursday, May 30 6:30 p.m. at the MassMutual Center #十大彩票平台together

Congratulations to the graduating class of 2024! 十大彩票平台为你们在达到这一重要里程碑过程中的出色工作和韧性感到自豪.

毕业典礼 will be held at the MassMutual Center on Thursday, May 30, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. 因为让每个人都井然有序并提供最后的指示需要一些时间, please plan to arrive at Exhibition Hall no later than 5:00 p.m. Use the Main Street Entrance. These doors will open at 5:00 p.m. 客人将使用相同的入口,但在下午5:30之前不能进入万通互助金融中心.m. Guests should proceed directly to the event.


The 2024年毕业典礼 ceremony will be live streamed below and on YouTube.



奖学金和奖励委员会很荣幸地邀请2024届学生参加周四十大彩票平台毕业典礼的学生毕业演讲, May 30th at the MassMutual Center. 请理解,虽然我们都很期待你在试镜时的演讲, we are requiring a sample writing assignment to be submitted 2024年5月10日. The in-person auditions will tentatively be on Thursday, May 16, 2024.

As for the details of the graduation speech, your remarks should be approximately three to four minutes in length. Before you begin to address the audience, it is customary to acknowledge the stage party, 教师, 工作人员, 亲戚, 朋友, and the graduating class of 2024. The content of the speech is, 当然, up to you to decide on; however, please consider that you are speaking to a very diverse audience. 因此,一般性的、激励性的言论比个人化的言论更有效. 在演讲中强调你在十大彩票平台的经历如何帮助你与你未来的目标建立更紧密的联系,这将是一个合适的个人联系.  

If you would like to audition as the graduation speaker, please submit your sample writing assignment to cfuller@51jiyangshi.com or rgtetrault@51jiyangshi.com 2024年5月10日.

毕业典礼 Speaker

headshot of •奥尔特加

Dr. •奥尔特加, Massachusetts Commissioner of Higher Education, 会在十大彩票平台技术社区学院第57届毕业典礼上做特邀演讲吗.


Caps and gowns will be available for pickup on Thursday, May 23 from 9:00 a.m. 到晚上7点.m., Friday, May 24 from 9:00 a.m. 到下午3点.m.; and Tuesday, May 28 from 9:00 a.m. 到下午3点.m. They can be picked up in the Office of 学生活动 in the Ira H. Rubenzahl 学生 Learning Commons (B19)/Room 126. There is no need to be measured in advance for your gowns. There is no charge for caps and gowns.


市民中心停车场目前关闭,正在布鲁斯兰登路上建设. Free parking is available at the MGM Springfield 停车 Garage. 停车 is also available at the Tower Square & 哥伦布中心停车库和其他市区停车库(这些停车库需要收费).


Tickets are not required for guests of the ceremony. There is no limit to the number of guests you may invite. 有关仪式组织的其他信息将在您领取学位帽和学位服时发给您. The ceremony will take approximately 2 ¼ hours. 请参阅 MassMutual Center Map 欲知详情.

仪式 Instructions

Please read carefully. 因为没有预演,所以阅读以下说明和提醒非常重要:

  • Be at the MassMutual Center no later than 5:00 p.m. 使用主街入口在主街和布鲁斯兰登路的拐角处, 前往展览厅. 客人将使用相同的入口,但在下午5:30之前不能进入万通互助金融中心.m.
  • Upon entering the Main Street entrance, 您将按照姓氏的字母顺序排队领取名片; 请注意: If you have been awarded honors, an Honors tassel will be given to you at this time also.
  • Please do not bring valuables with you, there will be no place for you to store them during the ceremony.
  • All cell phones should be silenced during the ceremony.
  • All graduates are expected to remain until the end of the ceremony.
  • When you enter Exhibition Hall there will be signs with department names. Go to your department.
  • When it is time to hand out diplomas the student marshals will lead the way. 跟随他们的脚步.
  • 当轮到你领取毕业证书时,把名片递给叫你名字的人. 等待 for your name to be called, and walk up the ramp to receive your diploma.
  •  请注意,你会收到一张文凭封面,而不是学位或证书. When you receive your diploma cover during the ceremony it will be blank. 不要惊慌! 如果你在2023年夏天或2024年1月完成了毕业要求, your degree or certificate has already been mailed to you. If you complete your graduation requirements in May 2024, 你可以在毕业典礼后的四到六周内收到你的学位或证书. If you complete your graduation requirements by August 2024, you will receive your degree or certificate in mid October. You will receive an email notification when your diploma has been shipped. If you have any questions about your graduation status, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 413-755-4321 or registrar@51jiyangshi.com.
  • Once the ceremony has ended and graduates have marched out of the arena, you will be free to leave the MassMutual Center. 仪式结束后,请安排与家人和朋友在大楼外的特定地点见面.


学院聘请专业摄影师为每位毕业生拍摄毕业证书.  毕业典礼几周后,照片的校样将寄给你. You are under no obligation to purchase photos.  Please note that because we have a professional photographer, 在颁奖典礼期间,任何人不得进入万通互助金融中心拍摄照片.



毕业生: 如果你是一名残疾毕业生,需要为毕业典礼提供特殊的住宿, please notify the Office of 残疾人服务 at 413-755-4785 by May 8, 2024.

For the General Public: 万通互助金融中心为使用轮椅或行动不便的人士预留了座位区. 万通互助银行的服务人员会协助您定位这些区域. The spaces are limited, so please plan accordingly.




Past 毕业典礼 Ceremonies

周五,十大彩票平台技术社区学院举行了虚拟毕业典礼, 6月18日, 2021, to honor the Class of 2021. 除了虚拟的毕业典礼,十大彩票平台还为毕业生举办了一场驾车游行.